Preparation for receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Two year program that begins in 9th grade. Contact Krisitna Knowles, 832-9963, ext 121
Click Here for the Confirmation Sponsor Form
Elementary & Pre-school Programs:
Religious Education Program for Children (3 year old through 8th grade)
Classes are held Sundays, 10:40-11:50 am. This program is designed for children who do not receive religious education in Catholic School. Contact Angie Hawkins, Coordinator of Religious Education for Children (3 years old - 8th grade), 832-9963, ext 123. For Homeschool Catechesis Support Information, please call Angie.
Sacramental Preparation Program
Two Year Program. For children in 2nd grade in either RE classes or Catholic School. Formation includes 4 parent meetings. (Sacraments are received where family is member). Contact Kristina Knowles, 832-9963, ext 121
Out-of-Course Sacramental Preparation Program
Sacramental Preparation of children for Baptism, Reconciliation and Eucharist as needed. Contact Kristina Knowles, 832-9963 ext 121
Safe Environment Awareness
Go to Diocese of Beaumont website ( for more information or contact Kristina Knowles, 832-9963 ext 121
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
Week long summer program for children held in June. Contact Kristina Knowles, 832-9963, ext 121.
Gather the Children
Children are gathered during the 9:00 am Mass during the Liturgy of the Word on the first and third Sunday of the month during the school year and brought to the Ministries Bldg., where the Word of the Lord is explored at their level. Contact Kristina Knowles, 832-9963 ext 121.